Climate & Biodiversity Crises: Are We Meeting the Moment?
7 Ways for Schools to take Climate and Nature Action to the Next Level. It is time for elementary and secondary schools to step into a new level of meaningful, practical work in healing and regenerating our communities. Leading schools can help chart the path forward for the sector. If not us, who? If not now, when? These timeless questions have never been more relevant. We hope you will join us in leading the K-12 sector to build a movement too exciting to resist, and too powerful to ignore.
Announcing a Bold New Climate and Nature Leadership Pledge for Schools
“We are at a point in time where we must act,” says Craig Davis, Head of School at Mulgrave School in West Vancouver. “As school leaders, we must make future generations our priority, now.” A group of Canadian independent schools are making a bold public commitment to...
Schools’ potential to mitigate the climate crisis
Catalyzing bold climate and nature action in and through schools. A Canadian charity founded in 2020.Research shows schools are an untapped opportunity to address the climate crisis. “Our elementary and secondary schools represent an outsized and untapped opportunity...
The Untapped Power of K-12 – The Potential for Outsized and Unexpected Impact on the Climate Crisis
Co-Founder and Executive Director of The potential for schools to have meaningful and outsized impact on the climate crisis is tremendous. I recently heard a story to illustrate this point. It started in a grade seven science class in south...