Climate + Nature Leadership Pledge
For Elementary, Middle and Secondary Schools
We are inviting schools anywhere around the world to make this pledge.
This pledge was co-created with the 20 founding Canadian schools in the Climate Action Accelerator Program. Our aim is to inspire all school communities to strive towards aspirational, strategic, whole-school climate and nature action, engaging everyone in their school communities and reaching beyond, into the local businesses, governments, organizations and community groups connected to schools.
If you are interested in making this pledge, please complete this short form and we will send you the digital version. There is no fee for making this pledge. We are in the process of getting it translated into French – you will have the opportunity to request it in either French or English. If you are interested in another language, you can let us know on the form and we can contact you to explore the possibility.
As schools sign their pledge, we will list them below. We will include a link to their website where you can find out more about their climate action progress. Each school will be invited to submit an update, annually, of their progress, which we will feature on this page.
We are building a movement too exciting to resist, and too powerful to ignore. We hope you will join us!
Don’t forget to follow and tag us in your social media @doornumberonenfp. #buildingamovement