Creating a Compelling Vision for Climate Action
Creating a Compelling Vision for Climate Action: A compelling, aspirational vision for climate action can make all the difference in uniting a community around the challenging task of institutional transformation.

Every Effective Strategy Starts With a Compelling Vision
“If every effective strategy starts with a compelling vision, why do so few schools and colleges spend time creating one?” This is a great article making the case for creating a vision for your strategy.
Beyond sustainability: A call for regeneration
TEDxYouth Sierra Robinson 11 min. video
2040 Film
The documentary 2040 takes us on a journey of “fact-based dreaming”, looking at what life might be like in the year 2040 if we implement solutions largely described in Project Drawdown. It is highly engaging, accessible and designed to prompt discussions at home, at school and in our communities about what we might be hoping for in 2040. This film is Australian, and they have created a number of resources including suggested lesson plan ideas, all for free on their website.
Net-Zero Emissions
Gov’t of Canada Climate Plan
The who, what, when of Canada’s official plan – links to updates, etc re ” Net-Zero Emissions Act”