CAAP Spring Fair April 26th & 27th, 2023
This 2-day event was the culmination of the 2022-23 School year for CAAP Schools in both Cohort A & B.
Day 1 – Introductions and then 7 schools – see time stamps below.
1. TFS – 6:09
2. Trinity College School – 13:09
3. Southridge School – 20:37
Discussion – 26:28
4. Lower Canada College – 36:33
5. The Sterling Hall School – 44:18
6. St. Andrew’s College & St. Anne’s School – 1:04:34
7. Appleby College – 1:13:06
Discussion – 1:19:41
Announcements & Previews – 1:27:02
Day 2 – Introductions and then 10 schools – see time stamps below.
1. Rothesay Netherwood School – 5:12
2. Mulgrave School – 11:57
3. Albert College – 23:19
4. Ashbury College – 30:58
5. Ridley College – 38:58
6. St. Margaret’s School – 46:14
7. Lakefield College School – 52:15
8. Hillfield Strathallan College – 1:02:50
9. Leo Baeck Day School – 1:09:35
10. Halifax Grammar School – 1:14:33
Feedback & Reflections – 1:21:33
Announcements, Previews and Wrap-Ups – 1:27:46
The 2022-23 CAAP Sessions - Year 2 for Cohort A - follow in order beginning with September 2022
Find the recordings and documents from Year 1 here.
Opening Workshop, Wednesday September 28th, 2022
We start the year with a discussion about Building a Movement Too Powerful to Ignore. Then we explored a template for a whole school Climate Action Plan, and schools spent time in teams working with the template.
Workshops 2 & 3
These were focused primarily on giving school teams time to work on their Climate Action Plans.
Workshop #4 – Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022
The first hour of this session was with Dr. Ellen Field, where she presented current research and trends in Climate Change Education, and took questions. In the second part, Southridge School, Trinity College School and Hillfield Strathallan College shared highlights from their whole-school approach to climate action and regeneration
In the second half of our workshop, we had presentations from 3 schools, and then break-out rooms. Here are some of the recordings and materials from this part of the session.
Slides: Trinity College School Sustainability Coordinator, Alison Elliott
5 minute video: Hillfield Strathallan College Whole-School Approach
Video Recording: Break-out room on your Campus as a Learning Landscape with John Hannah at Hillfield Strathallan College
Slides: Hillfield Strathallan College Director of Operations & Human Resources, Eleonor Kerr
Video Recording: Student break-out room on The Role of Students in Climate Action
Short video tour of the Appleby College Sustainability Hub
Mentoring Session – Halifax Grammar with Stephanie Foster & Barb Macintosh on conducting a GHG emissions audit December, 2022
Workshop Wednesday, January 18th, 2023
Slides from the Presentation by Glenda Stoneman, Faculty Member at Appleby College
Scaling Up the Circular Economy in our Schools
January 26th, 2023
An interactive session where we covered the basics of a circular economy, and then discussed how to do a comprehensive waste & materials audit, covering organizational culture, collective learning, and physical space.
January 31st – Session including Special Guest Marc Couture, Director of Sustainability & Regeneration at University of Toronto
A great session with all kinds of inspiration from the University of Toronto. We have 2 edits from the session – the first includes the opening and closing, with the report from the second student session. The second recording is just the Marc Couture presentation with Q&A.
University of Toronto’s Climate Positive Plan
University of Toronto’s Sustainable Change Certification Programs
Student Sessions
Summary of Session #1 January 17th, 2023
Summary of Session #2 January 31st, 2023
Summary of Session #3 February 14th, 2023
Spreadsheet where the students are building their Impact Goals for #buildingamovement at their schools.
Special Guest Wednesday, March 1st: Jason F. McLennan
If you would like to watch this video, please contact Michèle and she can set it up. We are not able to release the link, but we can replay it for any audience.
“All that can save us is the sustained awakening of the human heart.”